Blowing Kisses

Blowing Kisses
Kisses to my Fans!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Curve Balls

"Less then a week ago A.J. and I found out that we will be having a beautiful baby boy. Along with that great amazing news we were also given some very scary news. Our beautiful baby boy has a heart defect and possible chromosomal defect. Three long days later we saw a specialist who stated we are at a 75-80% chance of our baby boy having Down Syndrome. And he has a hole in his heart along with one valve between his upper and lower. chambers instead of two. We had an amniocentesis test done to find out 100% for sure if Down Syndrome is what has caused the few differences our ultrasounds show and if so where we should deliver and to see what type of specialist, if any, would be needed in the delivery room. These tests should be back around Tuesday. As much as we know this little boy will be surrounded by love and have so much of it he will not know what to do with it we are still scared. We are asking for your thoughts and prayers as we face a very long scary road."

This is a post from my facebook that I shared September 4th, 5th, and 6th. This was Labor Day weekend of 2010. It was a very hard weekend for A.J. and I. We were in disbelief that what was happening was actually happening. Our perfect little boy wasn't going to be prefect. He is going to have Down Syndrome and heart issues. Why?

Who would have guessed that a year later this 'not' perfect little boy would be perfect. He is happier than any baby I have seen. He is getting stronger by the day! And we found out two days ago that another heart surgery isn't as near as we thought! What can be better. NOTHING!

We have been thrown curve ball after curve ball since A.J. and I became a couple. Each a little more curvy than the last. But we have over come them and together. And now we get to over come the rest of life's curve balls as a family of 3. I guess there is something better.

Colton is looking at a life time of curve balls and I hope that A.J. and I can help him over come them. And over come them ourselves. It amazes me that while I am out and about with our little prefect baby boy that someone would ask "What is wrong with him?" He is not crying. He is smiling at this new person. What do they mean? They explain that he looks different. Well you look different too and would look even better with my fist in your face! But no this is not the answer. "Yes you are right we are all different and the reason he doesn't look like you believe he should is not because something is wrong. Colton has Down syndrome" (to myself 'and he will be a better person than you can even pretend to be!) "Have a wonderful day." It is moments like this I hope I can continue to keep my cool and teach Colton that uneducated simply need educated.

We were at the hospital for his pre-op two days ago. The nurses could not get enough of how chubby he is. We had 2 or 3 different hospital personal say "We don't see chubby babies. Babies with cardiac issues just are not chubby. So when we do get the chance to see them we tend to eat them up." This made me (and I am sure A.J.) very, very happy! Colton has learned already that he can impress people! The nurse that was in charge of our day and questions Meghan described Colton as "a thriving 8 month old."

I keep forgetting when we go to a store or a doctor that not only are they observing Colton but how A.J. and I treat and interact with him. His cardiologist in CT has stated "I don't believe you need a visiting nurse at all. I have seen you with Big C and I am sure you will notice if something is off."  "Right now I would send most babies to Boston; however, I know if something is off you will bring him straight to the hospital" I absolutely love that not only family and friends can see my love for Colton, but his doctor can too.

I must say I am getting used to curve balls and as much as I wish they did not come along in ways that effect my family I now know I can get through it. As long as I have my strong, sturdy, loving husband and my strong, amazing son I am ready!


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