Blowing Kisses

Blowing Kisses
Kisses to my Fans!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Pre Colton

October 4th
25 weeks and 2 days

In January of 2010 A.J. and I went through a hard time with a miscarriage. We realized that everything happens for a reason and tried to be strong as well as brave. In April of 2010, we found out that ready or not here we go! With excitement and fright in our hearts we kept our secret (well except for close family). 12 weeks in (after the time that most miscarriages happen) I was ready to shout our news from the roof tops. Until I started telling people , then I started to get scared. Something felt different. Chalking it up to the fact that it was different, there is a baby growing in me I went on with another thought.

September 14th
22 weeks 3 days

After much thought we decided at our 20 weeks appointment/ ultrasound (August 31) we would find out if the newest member of our family was going to be a boy or a girl. I had already had two dreams, in both our little boy was happy and healthy! A boy it is, but there are concerns. Thickening of the skull? Tumors/cists on his brain? Possible heart defects? Possible chromosomal defect? What? No! Happy and healthy! What is happening…

This started a long series of test and appointment learning things I learned in school all over again. Things I thought now hoped I would never need. Humans have four chambers in their heart, two valves, two main arteries. Our first was an appointment with an OB specialist, on Friday, September 3rd, who informed us that there was 75-85% chance that our perfect little boy had Down Syndrome and definitely had Complete Atrioventricular Canal defect (CAVC) and may have Tetralogy of Fallot.

October 19th
27 weeks 3 days

We did the amino to find out for sure. We had no intention of not having our beautiful little baby boy we just wanted to know. I am not sure now looking back if we needed to know for A.J. and I or for him, but I imagine it might have started out for the two of us and ended up being for all three of us. We would have the results early the following week.

December 23rd
36 weeks 5 days
6 days before we meant him

I took The last week of August/ first week of September off to adjust to the new idea of motherhood.  My first day back September 7th I got the call. The preliminary test is positive. Our little baby boy has Down Syndrome. What is his life going to be like? What is our life going to be like? Why did this happen to our little baby?
The next few days are a blur and most likely will always be. I had work related meetings, Emma (our cat) went to the vet, A.J. spent some time hunting, and I spent many nights crying, trying to understand and figure out what was happening. I do not think I ever figured it out nor will I ever. But I have come to understand that A.J. and I got the baby that we needed and would not change that for the world.
On September 24 Dr. Wang confirmed that our little boy baby had both suspected heart defects (great explanations on Wikipedia). She then explained that she would watch us closely and see what road to take.
We had switched OBs because we needed to deliver in Hartford near to CT Children’s Medical Center and started following up with the OB specialist monthly because babies with Down Syndrome do not always make it full term.

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