12.29.10 at 3:07 am Trying to figure out where his water world went |
12.29.10 at 10:34am at 10:37 am Giving in and enjoying the new people filled world |
I want to start with why the name. The Colton Courant. In April 2010, we found out that baby Witschey is on its way. Where to deliver? Manchester. That is where my OB reports to so we are all set. Well plans change and as stated in Pre Colton we needed to be close to CCMC so Hartford it is. Hartford. Oh, Hartford. We moved to CT late October 2006 and I have never, never, never, never liked anything about Hartford. It is scary. Crime filled. Roads make no sense. Traffic is horrible. How? Who? Why? A Children’s Medical center in Hartford. But Hartford here we come. (And enough with my rant.) It is easy to get to and once you park in the garage you feel (well I feel) like I am not in Hartford. There is a campus of medical buildings and you can walk in one and get to all of them with a series of halls, stairs, elevators, or secret underground tunnels; okay not so bad. The people are great! (In the hospital) They help you if you get lost and the doctors are knowledgeable and empathic.
So this is where the OB, OB specialist, cardiologist, and the diabetes center are. I got used to it quick. A.J. went to every appointment and helped me figure out who is where. Now Colton and I brave the “city” (I do not know if it is a city but to me it is) together while daddy catches up on sleep since he works second shift. $1 an hour to park and we even have our special spot! As long as it is not rain we will always go to the top floor. There is a space with an area on the side that makes getting “Big C” (this is what Colton’s CT Cardiologist calls him Dr. L) in and out of his seat into his stroller. But I am getting away from the point. Why the name, The Colton Courant.
Colton Walter Witschey was born as plan C (another blog for another day) would have it - at Hartford Hospital - on Wednesday, December 29th at 1:58 in the morning. The Hartford area has a newspaper call The Hartford Courant and Colton is (as far as I am concerned) more popular than this and anything posted in it, so he needs his own “newspaper.”
12.20.10 at 10:15 am Working on his even bake! |
Now, why the blog? The one liners on Facebook are great, but Colton has so many fans that do not get to see him as often as they or we would like that need more of him! It has taken me 6 and ½ months but I think I am starting to get ahold on how many people out there know about this super little tike!
And boy do I have the stories!
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